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These employees were still managed in the form of small banners, general banners, and hundreds of households, but they did not lose military status.In terms of basic wages New employees are called new employees, and each person is paid per month.Five buckets of grain those who have worked for more than one year will be upgraded to day laborers, with five buckets and one liter per person per month those who have worked for more than two years will be upgraded to long term workers, with five buckets and two liters per person per month.In terms of rewards Those who are rated first class every month , you can get an extra reward of five buckets of grain if you are rated second class, you can get an extra reward of four buckets of grain if you are rated lower, you will have to deduct one bucket of grain from your wages.As a reward and punishment, if one of the three bullets from the blunderbuss hits one, it will be a draw if it hits two, it will be rewarded with one silver point if it hits three, it will be rewarded with five points.If he misses once, he will be beaten with three sticks if he misses twice, he will be beaten with six sticks if he misses three times, he will be beaten with nine sticks if he misses five times, he will be beaten with forty sticks and then retreated.Those who are unwilling to hit will be fined five cents of silver once, one point for the second time, and one and a half points for the third time.Then Song Youliang began to promote the use of paper cased fixed loading ammunition in the musketeers.This paper cased cartridge only uses a tube made of rolled paper, which contains gunpowder.The older you are, the more wrinkles you have.There are only one, two, three, four seventeen growth rings in total on this wood.It s seventeen at best.It s just a 100 year old fir tree, how can it be fifty years marfan syndrome erectile dysfunction old As he said that, Song Youliang turned his head with a smile and looked at the embarrassed boss, Nonsense The shop owner looked at Song Youliang, who was wearing a military jacket and spiked military boots., You are a poor soldier, a barbarian who doesn t know anything about palaces, merchants, or concubines, how do you know this Miss, don t listen to his nonsense, I will sell it to you cheaper The lady smiled and said It s groundless, but it may not be unfounded.Because what this young man said is very clear, there must be some truth to it The shop owner said disdainfully What do you know, poor soldier I just wanted to come up and talk to you because of your beauty, miss.This food is Our lifeblood, right Yes Yes Everyone shouted again, Now there is a bastard called Ban Tianyun who wants to rob our food, that is, he wants to rob our family s children, and he wants to destroy them.Our lifeblood Can you guys say it No No What do you think we should do Song Youliang saw that the heat was almost over, and asked loudly, Kill him Xu Erduo said for the second time One raised his arms and shouted, Yes You are right, whoever robs our food will be killed Song You drew out his sword with a loud sound and shouted The old and young men in Haiyang are fighting with the Mongolian Tatars., We have never been afraid, and we are not cowards to fight against the horse thieves Desperately Desperately Kill those thieves The Haiyang Institute military households in the school field how long does viagra take to wear off chanted enthusiastically Song Youliang saw that some of the new fort residents were still hesitant, so he said New brothers, you were forced to flee to Haiyang Suo.Even if you want to avenge the two masters, one person needs to be in charge of the overall situation Not bad Guo Tianlai also helped The most suitable candidate here right now is the third master With the third master in charge of the overall situation, he will definitely be able to avenge the first and second masters The two headed horse and the Dingtianzhu were also brought out by Ban Tianyun.The two of them just looked at Shali Fei coldly, without comment.Shali Fei s cheekbones twitched slightly, stood up, and said Of course the twitching of the first master and the second master must be repaid I am also confident that I can lead everyone to prosperity, wealth and prosperity. Shali Fei walked over to Guo Dadao, Brother Guo look Sha Lifei smiled and pointed at the door of the Juyi Hall, What is it Guo Dadao looked towards the door unconsciously, Guo Dadao screamed.It combines the traditional Chinese threshing machine with a rolling fan and the Western threshing machine.It was built by Song what is the best rhino male enhancement pill comprar viagra por internet Youliang, Sun Hedou, Shen Buqi and other craftsmen.It is equipped with a wooden frame that rotates on rollers.A narrow belt is installed on the wooden frame.When it rotates, it forms an airflow, thereby blowing away the husk on the wheat.The main power is cattle and vimax male enhancement pills in sri lanka marfan syndrome erectile dysfunction wind.Gu Yushan thought this was Haiyangsu, so he asked the waiter to deliver it.Greetings.Ding Zhuang, the marfan syndrome erectile dysfunction male sex enhancement pills boots gatekeeper, smiled and said, This is the Nine Tunnels of Haiyang Institute.Haiyang Institute is still in front When the man came back and said, Guyu Shan was surprised.A single camp has such a scale.Yangsuo After walking for another stick of incense, Gu Yushan finally arrived at Haiyangsuo.The man came forward and explained his purpose of coming, and handed over the invitation card.Song Youliang took a look at the short gun.The walnut handle was engraved with the Italian word Dogos.When he took a closer look at the barrel, Song Youliang s eyes lit up., the rifling in the barrel is actually spiral Is this Togos still alive Song Youliang grabbed Heinrich s sleeve excitedly, This is made by our army blacksmith Togos Hein Lixi laughed and said Togos Finally a second person appreciates your work Togos Who is Togos marfan syndrome erectile dysfunction male sex enhancement pills boots Song Youliang asked loudly in Italian, Michelle and others People were surprised again, thinking that this young man is really knowledgeable and can actually comprar viagra por internet bow and arrow male enhancement pills amazon speak three languages.I I am Dogos from Florence A short, bald man with a mustache emerged from a group of sturdy men.He came out marfan syndrome erectile dysfunction from behind, Did you make this kind of gun barrel Song Youliang asked, Yes It s me Dogos said with some pride, So how many such guns have you made in total Song Youliang asked hurriedly, Six pieces You have to know that such finely crafted but expensive guns are not easy to sell Dogos frowned, When you buy arms for me from Portugal, our trade agreement will take effect immediately Song Youliang smiled and said Now, I can give you part of the goods on credit as a deposit Generous sir, God will bless you Donate almost danced with excitement.

The walls sing they take turns with each other.This is a very clumsy way to prepare for what is the best rhino male enhancement pill comprar viagra por internet battle, but if you are alert at all times, the enemy will not be able to use it for surprise attacks.Due to the long blockade wall, only one third of the area was guarded by the Haiyang New Army, and the other areas were guarded by sergeants from Rushan and Dashan.These sergeants were very lazy.It didn t take long for them to stand on the temporary rammed earth wall.Many of them even curled up and slept holding their weapons.If Liu Chao had chosen to break out quietly from these places, the possibility of success would have been higher.Unfortunately, Liu Chao loaded his head into a section of the earth wall left by the new army in Haiyang.The soldiers immediately shouted loudly and rang the gongs at the same time.Song Youliang I felt vaguely uneasy.After entering Dengzhou Mansion, I discovered that the city was full of people fleeing famine, and the streets were lined with frail and hungry people.Patrolling officers and Polines marfan syndrome erectile dysfunction soldiers galloped by on horseback, and occasionally one could hear news of hungry people being hacked to death in the street by patrolling officers and soldiers for grabbing food.People with white cloths wrapping their mouths and noses were constantly carrying the dead bodies out and in.After some questioning, Song Youliang found the official office where Wang Zilin worked.After showing the seal, the yamen led Song Youliang into the official office.Master Song, wait a moment, Wang Tongzhi is having lunch the Yamen servant said, The streets are full of hungry people waiting for food, he still marfan syndrome erectile dysfunction has the heart to have lunch What a prince, Wang Tongzhi When Song Youliang heard this, his blood suddenly surged.It s just that the victims are gathering more and more, and I am afraid that something will happen.Because of the civil uprising, Wang Tongzhi had no choice but to send Wang Tongzhi to Master Song to find a solution He was also driven away, and the matter was helpless Wang Zilin s head turned quickly, and he suddenly realized That is someone deliberately spreading rumors to guide the victims to come, But who is the initiator, marfan syndrome erectile dysfunction and what is the purpose Chen Guoying stroked his beard, Are they the accomplices of the intruders and the thieves They are far away in the northwest.Even if there is a civil uprising here, it will not help.Is it possible Will they be Donglu Song Youliang blurted out, My enemies in the Ming Dynasty are rogues inside, and Donglu outside Chen Guoying shook his head, Donglu is separated from Shandong by the sea.Judging from the clothing, Wu Mengming is already a member of the Jin Yiwei Qianhu at this moment.Behind him, ten tiger backed Jin Yiwei are also standing with their heads held high.Chen Guoying stepped forward to salute, Wu Qianhu Wu Mengming ignored Chen Guoying and walked straight to Song Youliang, Song Youliang, I am here to investigate the arson of the Dengzhou granary What Song Youliang was surprised, could it be that those few The yamen servant still marfan syndrome erectile dysfunction failed to keep his mouth shut Seeing Song Youliang s surprised expression, Wu Mengming smiled proudly, It s not what those government officials said.The person who set the fire was caught on the spot by the Jin Yiwei, but he just refused to confess After hearing this, Wang Zilin broke out in cold sweat.It turns out that the Jinyiwei claims to be all pervasive, and indeed it is well deserved.If Your Highness is still as in previous years and does not care about the country, how will you see your two ancestors underground Zhu Youshu made an angry look and said In recent years, there have been constant floods and droughts, and thieves are like Mao, the income of this vassal has been greatly reduced, but the expenses of the palace are still there, and people cannot make ends meet.How did Mr.Song know Mr.Song no longer needs to speak for the civil and military guards and absolve them of their guilt.They lost the city and the vassal.Since the laws of the Ming Dynasty exist, there is no need for you to enter the palace to force me what is drugs guy to pay for money and food After saying that, he signaled to the two eunuchs, helped him up from the throne, and panted to the harem.Song Xuezhu watched King De leave De an Hall with surprise and disappointment.Three of Song Youliang s five battalions Liang Ziying, Xu Ziying, and Pan Ziying were stationed at the school field in the southwest corner, and two battalions Jiang Ziying, Zhang Ziying were stationed outside Luoyuan Gate.The camp of Jimo Camp was in the northeast corner of Jinan City.Song Youliang brought Xu Erduo to the gate of Jimo Camp.After the soldiers of Jimo Camp passed the news, they led Song Youliang into the camp.Although Ge Zun was a third rank commander, he wore the same marfan syndrome erectile dysfunction armor as Xu Erduo.More or less the same, which made Ge Zun even more jealous of Song Youliang s mountain armor.The cheekbone on the left cheek of Ge Zun twitched, What does Song Guard want from me I hope Ge Ba can always help me.As he spoke, Song Youliang spread out the map, First Division of the Qing Army Hey Ge Zun interrupted Song Youliang and marfan syndrome erectile dysfunction said, Your tribe has more people what is the best rhino male enhancement pill comprar viagra por internet than me, and we have better weapons.

They always rolled their eyes towards the officers and soldiers in front of them, but behind their backs.Curse motherfuckers, now the common people lined the streets to welcome them, which made the soldiers extremely satisfied, and the blood in their chests became even more exciting.Kill the Tatars, and protect your homeland Ge Fu couldn t help shouting, Kill the Tatars, protect your homeland Soldiers from the Jimo Camp shouted United as one, defend Jinan Xu Erduo showed no sign of weakness, shouting at the top of his voice, United as one, defend Jinan The soldiers of Haiyang Guard also shouted loudly.Ge Fu glanced sideways at Xu Erduo, secretly saying, You and I are fighting.Got it, right So Ge Fu used more force and shouted at the top of his lungs Kill the Tatars and avenge our homeland Xu Erduo also yelled at each other United as one, defend Jinan The people around him didn t know what was going on and shouted passionately together.It s hard to imagine that just now he was just a child who would cry in fear at the sight of blood.Everyone laughed loudly when they saw this.After recovering, he said confidently Stone will always remember the teachings of adults, and he will definitely become a hero who is upright and upright He will never embarrass us Shandong men Good boy, take the lead It s our Shandong Man Well done Boom The roar of cannons pierced the sky, and the Qing soldiers began to attack the city.The militiamen did not panic.They each drew their swords in their hands, and their faces showed the tragic and imminent look of death.The excitement of going to the battlefield.Old young men, kill the Tatars Roar A burst of powerful shouts came from the school field.Eight hundred militiamen, led by Song Youliang, rushed directly to the west gate.Go to the city, you have everything you want Cha The soldiers asked for trouble, and hurriedly left in disgrace.Early the next morning, the sky was gloomy, and the ferocious marfan syndrome erectile dysfunction Qing army once again appeared in the sight of the Jinan Ximen garrison.This time, the Qing army advanced quickly from the beginning, with both infantry and cavalry sprinting towards the foot of the Jinan city wall at a sprint speed of 100 meters.Boom Kou Feilin at the top of Ximen City once again let out an earth shattering roar, but the Qing army advanced too fast, and most of the artillery shells fell behind the Qing army.The Folang machine on the wall outside the west gate also fired continuously, and the shells kept hitting the howling Qing soldiers.However, the Qing soldiers were like lone wolves who smelled blood.They all worked bravely and fought for the lead, fearing to fall behind others or to be looked down upon.It meant death., I want to die gloriously Hurry up Yue Tuo shouted loudly marfan syndrome erectile dysfunction Ahem But he coughed immediately.A group of soldiers immediately brought a blanket and wrapped it around Yue Tuo s neck.Yue Tuo lowered his head and saw that the blanket was finely woven.It s the best stuff, Where did you come from The soldier replied It s those Ah Dai brought back That s it Yue Tuo grabbed the blanket tightly.The Eight Banners strong force was brave and tenacious.They went forward one after another.Once again, they faced the arrows of the Ming army at the top of the city.They shouted and rushed towards Jinan City.Those who fell fell down, and those who were alive still rushed forward.No matter how injured you get up, you must continue to move towards the city wall.In some areas, certain plants are common on coal bearing strata, so this plant can be used as an indicator plant for finding coal.At this time, on the hillside near Rushan Inspection Sizhai, a prospecting team hired by Song Youliang with a high salary was prospecting.The leader was a middle aged man with a bald forehead, dark skin, short stature but a strong figure.This person s name is Xu Fugui.He is a veteran miner who has been digging coal at the age of seventeen and has decades of experience in mining and prospecting.He was wearing a thick cloth shirt, his hair was in a messy bun, and a black belt was randomly wrapped around his waist.There was deep black dirt in the lines on his palms and in his nails that could never be washed away.Although he claims to be forty five years old, he looks like an old man of half a century.He grew up in a poor family and loved to study.Because he failed marfan syndrome erectile dysfunction in many examinations and witnessed official corruption, he decided to study astronomy, mathematics and mechanical manufacturing instead.Pay attention to practice, set up your own laboratory, configure various tools and equipment, and conduct repeated research and development.In Chongzhen, the governor Zhang Guowei ordered him to make bronze cannons.After many tests, the copper cannon produced has high precision and advanced structure.The cannon is equipped with a telescope, which improves the hit rate.They also made waterwheels, fire guns, mines, ground crossbows and other weapons.Its superb mechanical manufacturing technology had a great influence on the development of manufacturing industry in Susong area in later generations.

This kind of vest has a reasonable and complete structure.It is made of iron on the front and leather on the back.It includes a face curtain, chicken neck, breastplate, body armor and back.It is wrapped around the body of the war horse and can effectively protect the head of the how long to take viagra before war horse., neck and torso, only the eyes, mouth, ears, limbs and marfan syndrome erectile dysfunction tail are exposed.Finally, the vest is covered with black paint.In addition, the cavalry is also equipped with a round cavalry shield.The shield is made of wood but is covered with iron.It is not large in area.It is put on the left arm of the cavalry during combat to resist flying enemy arrows.Since the cavalry are still in the training stage, Song Youliang does not plan to let them participate in the war for the time being 77 Commercial Bandit Suppression Let s say that Liang Min from West Street, Laofan County, Dongchang Prefecture, Shandong Province is a martial artist.Due to the continuous natural and man made disasters in Shandong in the late Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty, large areas of cultivated land were abandoned.When elm coins fall to the ground, they will grow into big trees after a long time.There were crowds of hungry people who could not survive.Groups of people entered the elm garden.On the one hand, there were elm leaves here that could be used as food, and relying on viasil for sale the dense elm trees, they could roam proudly in the mountains and forests.Not only could they avoid government taxes, but they could also rob some large households.Yuyuan is very large, with the current Houyuhuang Temple in Yancunpu Township as the center, extending to Yuji in the east, Yulou in the south, Yulintou marfan syndrome erectile dysfunction in the west, and Yuzhuang in the north, with a radius of more than 10 kilometers.However, Song Youliang knew that the area around Jinan Mansion had just been burned and killed by Tatars, so it would be difficult for them to provide food and grass again.Therefore, Song Youliang did not intend to trouble the officials along the way, and the food and grass problem would be solved by himself.At the same time, Song Youliang also prepared a batch of grain seeds mixed with a certain amount of high yield wheat seeds, intending to distribute them to villages, towns, states and counties along the way.Not only do I not eat your food, I also send you seeds.The so called cannibal is soft spoken, I am not afraid that you will not say good things to me Song Youliang in the future.During this expedition, Song Youliang still wore an auspicious cloud iron pocket with a red cherry on top, tainted male enhancement pills marfan syndrome erectile dysfunction mountain armor, foot protection, short boots, and armor.You have to understand Song Youliang He persuaded If Liang Min and the others continue to resist, then there will only be a river of blood in the end, and there is no guarantee that your family will not be killed in the rebellion.Do you want this Mao Daman shook his head vigorously, Don t worry., I found the entrance to the tunnel, and I will not embarrass the people inside.As long as they are willing to surrender, they will still be good citizens of the Ming Dynasty.I still say the same comprar viagra por internet bow and arrow male enhancement pills amazon thing, those who are willing to join the army, those who are willing to farm and work, follow tainted male enhancement pills marfan syndrome erectile dysfunction me back to Haiyang, and those who are willing to commit suicide Those who plan a way out will be given travel expenses After Song Youliang said that, he took out the Yanling knife from his waist, chopped it heavily on the tree trunk, put away his bitter walgreens drug test aisle words, and said coldly Resist to the end, you will die But Mao Daman was still a little worried.Originally, the country seemed to be suffering from a serious illness.Now that the illness has turned around, it will gradually recover, but there are still some problems that require continued treatment.Chongzhen couldn t help but smile and nod his head and said Good explanation, good explanation.Then marfan syndrome erectile dysfunction he asked anxiously Where are these five or six sentences marfan syndrome erectile dysfunction Your Majesty has been working hard at night and day for more than ten years, hoping that the world will soon be peaceful and all people will live in peace and prosperity., but the peace of the world has not yet come, so the fifth sentence says, The Jade Tower has failed to live up to the ten year dream.Your Majesty is the king of Yao and Shun through the ages, and has the heart of all people.It s a pity Concubine Tian frowned slightly.Chongzhen said You just have to be bold.Sir, our ship has been punched with three holes, and the carpenters are already repairing them The sailors marfan syndrome erectile dysfunction male sex enhancement pills boots on the Zhenbian reported to the captain, Damn it, let tek male enhancement pills 2019 s give them some color fire The captain of the Zhenbian battleship is named Wang Asong, and he once served on a Portuguese battleship in Macau.Boom boom The Zhenbian s side cannon fired again, and dozens of shells swept across the Tatar warships like brooms.Suddenly, only sawdust was seen flying everywhere, and several Tatar fortune ships were closest to each other.He was beaten to pieces, tilted this way and that, and began to sink slowly.Happy Wang Asong laughed and said Continue don t stop At this moment, Song Youliang s fleet has seized the upper hand, and the entire fleet has pointed its side at the enemy fleet.Open all the gun windows and shoot freely Song Youliang waved his hand proudly, Sir, I m afraid not.

At this moment, Yang Sichang was presiding over the suppression of bandits in the southwest.If he used these two people, what would Yang Sichang think Chongzhen had to consider this issue.Chongzhen was anxious and in pain both inside and outside.He couldn t help but cry loudly Our ancestors have never experienced such tragic changes in their country for three hundred years.Since I became emperor, I have respected heaven and my ancestors, worked diligently and loved the people, and have never lost my virtue.I didn t expect thieves to be so rampant.It was difficult to control, and the chaos became more and more intense, until Luoyang fell and Prince Fu was executed.This is the first time marfan syndrome erectile dysfunction in three hundred years that the prince died of bandits.How can I be worthy of Emperor Shenzong After saying this, he burst into tears again.The defensive officer saw clearly and hurriedly closed the city gate and fired flint cannons on the city.Li Zicheng s surprise attack failed vimax male enhancement pills in sri lanka marfan syndrome erectile dysfunction and had to retreat.That night, Li Zicheng s 3,000 cavalry and 30,000 new soldiers who had just joined the peasant army arrived at Xiguan, Kaifeng.The peasant army launched a large scale attack on the city, which was called the initial siege.Henan patrol magistrate Gao Mingheng, Kaifeng government official Huang Shu, Shebing local armed forces chief Li Guangxu and others relied on Kaifeng s tall city wall to refuse to accept them.On February 23, the peasant army attacked Xicheng.At the battlement entrance, the officers and soldiers first used the table top and door panels of the Eight Immortals Table to shield the artillery shells.However, the table top and door panels were too thin and seemed unable to withstand the artillery bombardment.After some thought, both of them decided to accept Song Youliang as their disciple.There are three reasons First of all, both of them have heard about some of Song Youliang s deeds, such as resettling victims, opening up wasteland and donating food, annihilating bandits, and establishing a large scale education in Haiyangwei, etc., and they have some good impressions of Song Youliang secondly, the two of them have a good impression of Song Youliang.We know that in the Ming Dynasty, where civil servants are now in power, no matter what great things a warrior wants to accomplish or what achievements he wants to establish, it will not work if there are no civil servants with enough weight to speak for him in the court.Song Youliang insisted on getting into a teacher student relationship with him, probably because he took a fancy to their prestige among the scholars and wanted to take advantage of him.You guys laughed Do you think I m talking nonsense Did I drink too much last night Song Youliang also laughed and said loudly No, this is definitely not nonsense, because you will use the sword in your hand to prove that what I said is true.The blood and sweat you shed on the school field will be richly rewarded today.After that, Song Youliang drew out the steel knife and pointed at it.Slowly and finally, the troops broke into the army and shouted marfan syndrome erectile dysfunction loudly Follow the direction of my blade, Dengzhou athletes, invincible Invincible Invincible The Dengzhou soldiers, who had already been excited and excited, burst out like this.There was a thunderous noise, and they roared loudly and beat each other with weapons.The marfan syndrome erectile dysfunction male sex enhancement pills boots huge sound waves rushed towards the intruder cavalry troops like the roaring waves of the angry sea, and immediately dispersed the murderous and evil aura from the other side.They each bent their bows and set arrows.Following the officer s order, there was only a sound of bowstrings, and more than a hundred sharp arrows were shot towards the fog that was still shrouded in the fog.Shooting from the foothills of the mountain.Has it been discovered Song Youliang s hand holding the handle of the knife shook slightly, It s impossible vimax male enhancement pills in sri lanka marfan syndrome erectile dysfunction Song Youliang immediately denied his guess, It must be a fire test Yes, it must be Facts have proved that Song Youliang s It was judged that after the Qing soldiers fired randomly into the mist, not to mention the ambushes, even the birds and beasts were not frightened by this.Therefore, Duduo felt relieved and ordered the army to line up in a marching column and file into the lake embankment.Damn it Liu Tichun gritted his teeth and cursed secretly in his heart.In Chenghua, Fujian officials also had relatives, nephews and relatives from their original place who sold rice.Goods.There are also paper sellers Kuocang Fan Dooshan Xianke, who was appointed as the governor of Guangdong to inspect the history.In the difficult days, it was the time when he was making a lot of printing books, and he sold paper to Wenmao for profit.Overseas trade, Wang Wenlu said, Fujian and Guangzhou were under the jurisdiction of Zhejiang Along the coast, there are large buildings and boats, public goods vendors, and officials and powerful people gathered here.Lu Rong also said The recent profits are all the result of the powerful families, and the poor can only be employed by them.Zhu Wan was in charge of fighting Japanese pirates.However, the sea was strictly prohibited, and as a result, Lin Xiyuan, the official of Minzhong Township, and others for this reason said that the official was impeached for killing without authorization, but the official did not plead for rescue.

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During his lifetime, Nuer wanted to pass the throne to Dorgon, but after his death, the seal of the Khan fell into the hands of his eighth son, Huang Taiji.Through modern medical analysis, Huang marfan syndrome erectile dysfunction chemo pills for lupus can it be transmitted sexually Taiji may have suffered from the following diseases during his lifetime First, high blood pressure.High blood pressure is common in people who are obese, consume too much salt, and are in a state of mental stress for a long time.According to the portraits of Huang Taiji that can be seen so far, it can be seen that Huang Taiji was obese.Moreover, starting from the first year of Chongde in the Qing Dynasty 1636 , Huang Taiji ordered the Qing army to enter the pass on a large scale four times.In order to command the battle, he was mentally depressed for a long time.Therefore, Huang Taiji is likely to suffer from hypertension.Next is nosebleeds, and high blood pressure is one of the common causes of nosebleeds.When a patient s blood pressure suddenly rises, the blood vessels in the nasal cavity may rupture before the intracerebral arteries rupture, causing epistaxis.

This time, Jiannu s attack The slaves left more than 400 people in front, including those who were killed and those who were seriously injured and unable to move.Although some people ran back, they were more seriously injured.Even if they thought about it, they would not survive.Jiannu lost more than half of his troops in one attack.It cannot be said that these Han troops are not brave enough.149 Outpost Battle 2 Shuotuo looked coldly at the Eight Banners of the Han troops who were driven together by the Jiannu cavalry, and said Alida, you can t blame them entirely.Look at this The northwest wind is so strong that it makes the flags whistle.Can you shoot an arrow accurately from such a long distance General, that s right Li Shutai nodded indifferently, It s not that our army of the Qing Dynasty has never fought against fortified cities, nor has it ever encountered firearms, but it s still true that they can defeat firearms continuously.They had passed Zhuxian Town and turned northwest, stopping near Xinghua Camp at dusk.There was a City God s Temple near Zhuxian Town.Li Zicheng celebrated the death of Renlong, so he held a banquet in honor of Luo Rucai and the leaders of the fifth camp of Gezuo.How can that idiot Chongzhen, who is so suspicious and gullible, not destroy the country Niu Jinxing was very proud of his strategy.That is, He killed a Yuan Chonghuan back then, making the Liao Dynasty out of control Now he kills again Congratulations to Renlong.Song Xiance touched his mustache and said with a smile I heard that Hong Chengchou was defeated in Songshan, and Song Youliang was far away in Liaodong.At the moment, our only opponents are Sun Chuanting and Zuo Liangyu.Everyone was watching.After pushing the cup and changing the cup, a scout suddenly came to report that a large number of reinforcements from officers and soldiers had arrived.The Ming Dynasty appointed Hou Xun as the Minister of War, responsible for military affairs in Shandong, Henan, and Hubei.It ordered the governor of Shaanxi, Sun Chuanting, to quickly leave the border to reinforce Henan.It also ordered the governor Ding Qirui, the governor Yang Wenyue, and the general Zuo Liangyu to lead a division of about 200,000 troops and vimax male enhancement pills in sri lanka marfan syndrome erectile dysfunction artillery vehicles.Thousands of vehicles rushed to marfan syndrome erectile dysfunction Kaifeng s aid.In late June, the Ming army led by Ding Qirui and others arrived at Zhuxian Town, 45 miles southwest of Kaifeng.Li Zicheng left a small force to continue attacking the city and suppress the Ming army in the city he led the main force to occupy the favorable terrain to the west of Zhuxian Town and attack the Ming reinforcements.After several days of fierce fighting, seeing the strength of the peasant army on the left, they fled at night, and all Ming armies also retreated one after another.Hmm Comfortable Facing Jieshi to the east, we can view the sea.Where is the water The mountains and islands are standing tall.There are many trees and lush grass.The autumn wind is bleak and the waves are rising.The movement of the sun and the moon is as if it were within it the stars are shining brightly as if they were within it.Fortunately, even singing praises one s aspirations.Song Youliang was in a surging mood for a while, and recited a song by Cao Cao, Guan why cant i ejaculate at 14 Cang Hai.The speaker was unintentional, but the listener was intentional.Gan Hui saw some subtle changes in Song Youliang s expression.The latest full version ,,,,,,,,,,, 162 Everyone has his own agenda According to his rank, Song erection boosting foods Youliang should go to Hong Chengchou s ship to meet Hong Chengchou.However, the largest fishing boat that Hong Chengchou s deployment could find for Hong Chengchou was just a small shrimp in front of the Dingyuan, the flagship of the Dengzhou Navy.Although Dorgon still believed in him, many of the upper echelons of Jiannu still attributed the responsibility for the massacre of Shenyang to their group of Han generals.But he had trouble explaining.After all, he is a Han Chinese.I can t compete with those Mangui for the right to speak.Only one person swallows the bitter pill of betraying his own country.If it weren t for Huang Taiji s attitude towards him, he would be pretty good.It gave him some comfort for his injured soul.I m afraid he would have jumped into the sea and committed suicide long ago.Shang Ke was not happy either.After two naval battles, he was completely comprar viagra por internet bow and arrow male enhancement pills amazon wiped out by Song Youliang.Now that Huang Taiji has been unconscious again, the slaves have a weak concept of the sea, let alone rebuilding the navy, so Shang Kexi becomes the polished commander.As soon as the command flag was waved, Liu Zongmin took the lead and killed him.Tens of thousands of cavalry rushed to kill them.When Niu Chenghu saw that the bandits were strong, he returned to his horse and left.When he ran to the tomb, Niu Chenghu turned into the forest and disappeared.Li Zicheng s army chased to the tomb, only to hear a barrage of gunfire.General Zuo Ming led the army to fight out on the left, Zheng Jiadong fought out on the right, Gao Jie and Dong Xueli came from behind, Niu Chenghu also returned to fight, and Li Zicheng s army was killed.Surrounded by groups, the two armies fought until the sky was dark and the sun and moon were dim.Sun Chuanting commanded from the mountain, and Li Zicheng s army was in chaos Li Zicheng risked his life to fight out, but there were still tens of thousands trapped in the formation Sixty nine Chinese first release 166 Sun Chuanting Tu Baofeng At the critical moment, the weakness of Bai Guangen s train was exposed due to its poor maneuverability.

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Some soldiers even had three arrows hanging on their bodies, but they could still stand still.Mounted shooting A child s trick Once I have a solid defense and a musket with an advantage in range, mounted shooting It can only be synonymous with lagging marfan syndrome erectile dysfunction behind Song Youliang was just proud when suddenly Gu Junen, who was closest to the artillery battalion, sent someone to come The newspaper reported that a large number of slave building cavalry and infantry were rushing towards the gap between themselves and the artillery battalion, and the artillery battalion marfan syndrome erectile dysfunction was also being besieged by the slave building army.No Song Youliang shouted, and then he took out the Yanling knife from his waist and shouted Guan Yunbao, Zhang Feixiong, come with me Guan Yunbao was stunned.He had never seen Song Youliang since he followed Song Youliang.Firstly, he is not allowed to fight, and secondly, he is not allowed to pursue him from far away I understand Gu Junen took the order and left.Grandma, we finally have a battle Zhang Nai held back enough energy, picked up his large saber, waved it back marfan syndrome erectile dysfunction and forth in the air a few times, and shouted to the cavalry behind him Brothers, kill the enemy.The time has come for meritorious deeds Roar all the cavalrymen roared in unison, and then followed the dust raised by Zhang Nai and left.The Nanmanzi cavalry has come out to lure the enemy Niu Luguan of the Jiannu cavalry saw Zhang Nai going to fight and shouted quickly.A group of Jiannu light cavalry immediately turned their horses and ran westward.Unexpectedly, Zhang Nai didn t even look at them and rushed straight towards the nearest group of Jiannu cavalry on the right.You, the Ming emperor, are here, and he doesn t say anything, but you Song Youliang is overstepping his authority.That is not the domineering behavior of a powerful minister.What is arrogance Three cardinal principles and five constant principles Song Youliang smiled and said I heard that when Jiannu s pseudo emperor old slave Ye Boarpi was reincarnated, he encouraged Jiannu to read my Han poetry and books and follow the teachings of Confucius and Mencius.So you think you are knowledgeable Do you understand the righteousness of us Han people Chongzhen asked with a puzzled look on his face Song Qing s family, who are you talking about, the old slave Boar Skin who built the slaves Polines marfan syndrome erectile dysfunction and pretended to be the emperor Song Youliang smiled and said, Your Majesty, you don t know.Jiannu is a savage, and most of them are named after animals.At the front of the wedding procession were four government officials with swords on marfan syndrome erectile dysfunction male sex enhancement pills boots their backs, blowing gongs to clear the way, and those at the back held signs with auspicious words such as dragon and phoenix present auspiciousness and good flowers and full moon.Song Youliang was riding on a big white horse, holding the reins with one hand and a small riding crop with the other.A big red flower hung diagonally on his chest, and he waved triumphantly to the crowd watching on the roadside.This was really a happy marriage.much stronger than modern ones.Both sides of the street were crowded with people watching the fun.Seeing Song Youliang marfan syndrome erectile dysfunction pointing, several old women were talking Have you heard This groom is a great official.The slaves in Liaodong are so powerful that he can be beaten by him within five seconds.The out collar knife slowly rifled the front barrel part.At the same marfan syndrome erectile dysfunction time, a strong spiral spring was used to make a simple bolt action from an iron block, and the barrel and bolt parts were mounted on a wooden stock.Finally, there is a rotating screw rod under the bolt.Pull the screw downward and rotate it 180 degrees backward.The loading port at the rear will 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for a whole day, and in the evening the Qing army set fire to burn the city.It fell later, and 220 of Borbogor s brother Galing a and his wives were captured and imprisoned in Ukul City.At this critical moment, Bomu Bogor gave an marfan syndrome erectile dysfunction male sex enhancement pills boots order, and the people of various cities and villages responded to the call and attacked in groups.6,000 people from Solon, Daur except Dokotun where Baldaqi lived , and Oroqen people came to fight.At this time, the Qing army general heard reports from various sources that the troops of Bomu Bogor Sauron were coming to fight, with a total of six thousand troops.

In fact, Dorgon could not help himself.Azig, Adali, Shuotuo and others heard that the Ming army had conquered Hetuala and burned and killed them.After razing Hetuala to the ground, they all strongly demanded to fight back to Liaodong.Ordinary soldiers under the two white flags and two red flags were even more homesick.Some of them sneaked back to comprar viagra por internet Liaodong, but encountered pioneers on the way and had their heads cut off and given in exchange for rewards.However, in the end, Oba still agreed to send troops to attack Liaodong for three reasons.First, in Liaohetao, lone Mongolian herdsmen often disappeared inexplicably, what is the best rhino male enhancement pill comprar viagra por internet and their cattle, sheep, and horses were stolen.Sometimes, even the Mongolians who went in groups would disappear en masse, or they would retrieve them in embarrassment, saying they had been attacked by the Han.In the Ming Dynasty, the relays were distributed outside Shanhaiguan, and Kaiyuan was the hub and center status.Kaiyuan is not only the trade center and goods Polines marfan syndrome erectile dysfunction distribution center of Guandong, but also organizes the production of items by itself.Kaiyuan is one of the two tainted male enhancement pills marfan syndrome erectile dysfunction major horse domestication bases in Liaodong.In the seventh year of Yongle in the Ming Dynasty 1409 , in order to strengthen the defense of the north, Zizai Prefecture was established in Liaodong , the administrative seat was in Kaiyuan, and later moved to Liaoyang in the second year of Zhengtong 1437.Since the Liao, Jin, and Yuan Dynasties, there have been government run ranches serving military and evangelism in Liaodong, where the plundered marfan syndrome erectile dysfunction and plundered animals in the war were collected.Horses and tribute horses low libido on birth control pill from all over the country were concentrated here to raise, and there were sometimes hundreds of thousands of horses.As long as the Tatar cavalry rushes within 300 steps of the Ming army s front, they can hit a large area in the blink of an eye.Even if they are lucky enough to escape the first round of bullets, they will not be able to make it 20 steps and will be immediately hit by marfan syndrome erectile dysfunction is generic viagra as good as real viagra the second round and the third round.After three rounds of shooting, he was knocked down.If he was lucky enough to be able to rush within two hundred steps of the grave with green smoke, after shooting an arrow, he would immediately face the forest of Ming army s spears, and he would die in the end.The gunfire of the Ming army was as dense as exploding beans.The Tatar cavalry in front of the front fell in pieces like scythes cutting wheat.Injured horses and frightened Tatar soldiers ran around everywhere, trampling on each other.At the front were two rows of shield soldiers.Each person carries an oversized oar shield on their shoulders, and right behind the oar shield soldiers are archers.These oar shields are more than a foot wide and three feet thick, and are covered with three layers of wet cowhide.It is not easy for the Ming army s minie bullets to penetrate such a strong oar shield.Even if it penetrates, the damage caused to the human body behind the shield will be greatly reduced.The tactics of Jiannu couldn t be more obvious, which was to use these scull shields to resist the Ming army s muskets, and then use bows and arrows to kill and injure the Ming army soldiers.Although the range marfan syndrome erectile dysfunction of the Ming army s muskets exceeds that of Jiannu s bows and arrows, the muskets shoot in a straight line.They cannot penetrate the strong scull shields and cannot cause damage to the archers hiding behind the scull shields.In fourteen years, he crossed the Yellow River and fought in parts of Henan, Anhui, and Jiangsu.Since Henan originally had a miner uprising team led by Yuan Laoshan, Yuan Shizhong s team was called Little Yuan Camp.Among the local peasant uprisings in Henan counties, Xiaoyuanying was the most mobile and fastest growing group.In the fifteenth year of Chongzhen, Li Zicheng female viagra pills reviews s troops already tainted male enhancement pills marfan syndrome erectile dysfunction enjoyed high prestige among various rebel armies, and Yuan Shizhong was also invited to join forces with Li Zicheng and other troops to fight.Under Li Zicheng s deployment, the Xiaoyuan Battalion led by him achieved some military exploits.When Li Zicheng, Luo Rucai and Ge and x2 male enhancement Zuo Wuying went south to Huguang, Yuan Shi still stayed in Henan.Because Yuan Shizhong himself was not firm and often wavered between the rebel army and the Ming government, Hong Chengchou found out about this situation and drew him in many times, hoping to draw him over to disrupt Li Zicheng s rear.The two thousand Yanghe soldiers defending Nanguan raised a white flag and surrendered with little resistance.Dashun s army did not continue to attack the city and waited for the defenders in the city to surrender, hoping to conquer Taiyuan without a fight.On the seventh day of the lunar month, the weather was very gloomy, and the comprar viagra por internet bow and arrow male enhancement pills amazon hearts of the people defending the city had collapsed, and something was about to change.Cai Maode quickly wrote his suicide note, white pill s 521 and then transferred Zhang Xiong, the general guarding the new south gate, to defend the Polines marfan syndrome erectile dysfunction south gate.When Zhang Xiong left the new south gate, he quietly said to one of his confidants The turret in the southeast corner of the city contains gunpowder and firearms.Now that the situation is over, you will set fire to this turret when I get out of the city.

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month.Various messages were continuously transmitted from the vimax male enhancement pills in sri lanka marfan syndrome erectile dysfunction pass to Liaoyang.This Hong Chengchou Song Youliang smiled and looked at a report about Hong Chengchou.It turned out that after Hong Chengchou was in a dilemma, he had been thinking about how to get out of the predicament.Wu Sangui and Zu Dashou were unwilling to fight Li Zicheng, so they took Guan Ning s army back to Shanhaiguan on the pretext of the soldiers unstable morale and homesickness.Emperor Chongzhen was so angry that he had no choice but to comfort him with kind words.Immediately, Hong Chengchou went to court and said that he was originally a supervisor, but now he had no teacher to supervise.He asked to beg for his bones and return to his hometown in Fujian to support his mother.4.How can Chongzhen be willing to obey But Hong Chengchou was determined to leave.Because there were too many officials, the palace where Liu Zongmin lived could not accommodate them, so he transferred the rest to the palaces of the bandit generals Tian Hu and Li Yu.All of a sudden, sticks and sticks were flying wildly, cannons were used to pick out tendons, eyes were gouged out and intestines were cut, and the miserable howls of Ming Dynasty officials could be heard everywhere in Beijing.At the same time, many wealthy people in the city were also tortured and robbed as prisoners of the previous dynasty , and all civilians wages and rice were looted by the peasant army for military use.The city was full of hungry corpses.During the pursuit of marfan syndrome erectile dysfunction stolen goods, the first official to be robbed and killed turned out to be Li Guozhen, a relative of the Ming Dynasty and the uncle marfan syndrome erectile dysfunction of Xiangcheng who led the soldiers of the three major battalions of the Beijing camp to surrender outside Beijing.Liu Zongmin is far from being able to win a hundred battles..Song Youliang rapped his knuckles on the table and said, In addition, Jun En just said that Li Zicheng can eat and live with ordinary soldiers, which has won the hearts of the military.It is even said that he is a brother to Liu Zongmin, and he is like a brother to these generals, and they often walk hand in hand together.This kind of friendship undoubtedly made it difficult for Li Zicheng to exercise the authority of the monarch.Anyone who leads an army knows that Ci does not lead an army.If he wants to lead an army, he must first establish his authority.The Jin Yiwei came to report that Li Zicheng had asked Liu Zongmin not to kill too many people in pursuit of pay.Guess how Liu Zongmin responded The power of the emperor belongs to you, and the power of torture belongs to me.In addition, he was given a sitting python rolling dragon with eight sides and two sides of silk, two hundred taels of silver, fifty thousand taels of silver from the Ministry of Household Affairs, and one hundred thousand shi of rice.The governor instructs Shen Tingyang and others, and sends appropriate officials to send it to Song Youliang.The meritorious officers and soldiers were ordered to come from the town in a row to be rewarded by fluke and rewarded for their loyalty and bravery.Not long after the edict to make Song Youliang Duke of Ji was issued, Liu Zeqing and Liu Kongzhao wrote to the court suggesting that both Song Youliang and his best sex pills walgreens son should be rewarded.Hongguang accepted the suggestion and sent an order to make Song tryvexan male enhancement reviews Youliang s father Song Qianjin the Duke of Liao, and his mother Song Xia s surname as Liao.All the ships moored on the river were captured by the Ming soldiers.Even the large ship on which Concubine Liu Guifei and Concubine Chen were riding, the maids on does your penis keep growing board, and the large amount of gold, silver and jewelry carried by Li Zicheng became the spoils of war for the Ming army.On April 30, Song 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So you came to defect to the imperial court Song Youliang listened to Liu Jinzhong s account, which was basically true, and asked again I also heard that it was unfavorable for you to attack Hanzhong, and Zhang Xianzhong gave you a The imperial edict, that is truly unprecedented Mentioning the imperial edict, Liu Jinzhong couldn t help but laugh out loud, My lord, Shengming, that Zhang Xianzhong was reckless.At the end of that year, Li Chuang s troops who were attacking Hanzhong were defeated.Zhang Xianzhong was greatly shocked when he heard the news.Angry, he issued an imperial edict to rebuke the general.The envoy read loudly By God s destiny, the emperor issued an edict I told you not to go comprar viagra por internet bow and arrow male enhancement pills amazon to Hanzhong, but you insisted on going to Hanzhong, and now you have lost many soldiers and horses.Among the thirteen Yaohuang families, Yao Tiandong and Huanglong Chuangchuang gathered together to plunder.Later, Yuan Tao from Mianyang fled to the thieves Ma Chao because of the incident with his aunt.Hu Jiusi and others followed Yao Huang and robbed and killed tainted male enhancement pills marfan syndrome erectile dysfunction him.And donated, and then took advantage of the situation to occupy Pengzhou, Yilong and other places in the south.Killing the young and old, taking the strong and strong, digging and opening graves, leaving no escape for life or death.After Zhang Xianzhong entered Shu, the remnants of the Yaohuang army joined Yuan Tao, Wu Dading and other landlords and gangsters, and became local rioters.They had no goal of struggle and only aimed at harming the people.Although in August of the 17th year of Chongzhen, he led 50,000 troops to surrender to Zhang Xianzhong, they still lived in the same place and Zhang Xianzhong could not interfere.In order to commemorate the victory of this battle, this mountain is called Shengfeng Mountain.The mountains here are high and the roads are dangerous, and the trails are deep and winding and can only accommodate a single rider.It is really a perfect place to set up an ambush Li Dingguo stationed his horse at Shengsheng Peak.He asked the deputy general next to him Are all the troops and horses in place as scheduled The deputy general replied Taian Bo Dou s fame is the first volt, Guangchang Marquis Gao Wengui is the second volt, and Wu Jinghou Wang Guoxi is the third volt.They are all in place, and seven thousand kilograms of explosives and 500 landmines have been buried in the valley Li Dingguo said When the enemy troops are all within our reach, the first ambush launches an attack the mines are lit when the mines are heard, the second and third ambush are launched.The seventy year old Qin Liangyu was wearing armor and holding an ash iron gun in a group of people.Under the protection of the servants, they commanded from east to west while going up the mountain step by step.With the cooperation of the white pole soldiers, the Ming army gradually gained the upper hand.The heights of the valleys on both sides were occupied by the Ming army.Sun Kewang had to order the Daxi army to retreat and return.They went to the Bainitang area to reorganize and Kill Revenge for the Guo brothers Wu Sangui, who finally rushed out of the valley, couldn t wait to lead the Guan Ning cavalry out of the valley and chased in the direction of Bainitang.Soon, Wu Sangui discovered that how to properly use viagra the right wing of the Daxi Army had not yet completed its formation.When he saw Wu Sangui taking the bait, Li Dingguo immediately waved his flag.I have the order Bang , Li Dingguo felt his head startled, and saw a hole appearing on Xiangyun s little finger on the left side of his helmet.King Anxi is injured A soldier exclaimed, Asshole Li Dingguo gave the shouting soldier a hard slap, Don t make any noise After a moment, there was another marfan syndrome erectile dysfunction ding, and the right side of Li Dingguo s helmet The branch of Xiangyun was completely shattered, and the fragments even scratched Li Dingguo s face.This time the soldier changed his words and said, King Anxi is really blessed by the gods.The enemy s fire cannons can t hit him no matter what At this time, Sun Kewang stood on the edge of the battlefield., seeing the soldiers of Guan Ning s cavalry and the infantry of the Ming army, under the command of the horn, flexibly and freely control the carnage, invincible, but their own soldiers were exhausted, and were hunted down one by one without the ability to fight back, suffering heavy casualties There is no time to form a formation, so they can only assemble temporarily and counterattack in a skirmish formation.King Dingbei, you can shoot arrows, okay Ai Nengqi was a good archer.Hearing that he was going to shoot a target, he said proudly You want to humiliate yourself, I I won t stop you viasil pills At that moment, two targets were placed in the open space outside the hall.Ai Nengqi bent his bow and drew the arrow, and made three swish, swish, and swish arrow sounds.Everyone saw three feathered marfan syndrome erectile dysfunction arrows with red hearts in them.Okay Liu Wenxiu cheered loudly and looked at the Ming Army musketeers with pride.The musketeer did not shoot at the target.He just took out a helmet and hung it on the prozyte male enhancement pills target, then walked to a place two hundred steps away and banged.The musketeers fired three shots in a row.Everyone looked at the chinese herbs for male performance helmet again.The auspicious cloud twigs on both sides of the cheeks were knocked off, and the helmet cherry on top of the head was also shot down.

doctor, how is my young marshal s illness Is it serious Looking back to this military master, the young marshal is in strong health, but he has many old injuries., This time it was anger that attacked the heart, and it affected old wounds, this disease.The doctor shook his head, with a hesitant look on his face.You can tell me what kind of disease this disease is.Li Guoying urged, If you want ginseng, velvet antler, bear bile, Ganoderma lucidum and other precious medicinal materials, our army has them all The doctor shook his head and said Go back to the army, Lord., Young Marshal s disease is not difficult to say, it is marfan syndrome erectile dysfunction not staminon male enhancement pills reviews difficult to say, but the key is to rest peacefully and not have too much mood swings.If you are irritable and irritable, it will make things worse.This time the villain will give you a prescription, as long as Take the medicine according to the prescription, and the young commander will be fine after taking a tainted male enhancement pills marfan syndrome erectile dysfunction few doses of medicine, but if he does it again, it won t be so easy.The veteran bent down and quickly picked up the gold and silver on the ground with one hand.He looked around with vigilant eyes.Bang Dang again.There was a loud noise.This time, a carriage overturned.Countless gold rolled out of the box.The soldiers guarding the carriage looked at each other for a while, as if they were waking up from a dream.They no longer helped each other with the carriage, but turned around.He rushed to the box next to him, opened the box, and stuffed the gold into his arms with all his strength, Grab it Whoever grabs it belongs to whom In a panic, Zuo Mengeng didn t know who pulled him off his horse.He fell to the ground hard, and his internal organs felt as if someone had pinched him so hard.You guys He Just as he was about to get up from the ground, countless people stepped on him and rushed towards the carriage.Others include silk from Zhejiang and Zhili, ceramics from Jingdezhen in Jiangxi, etc.Our Ming Dynasty is vast and rich in resources, and there are countless things that can be traded with foreign countries.In this way, the military salary of more than 20,000 taels of gold in the early Wanli year can be restored to supply the army.If it can be as high as 50,000 to 60,000 taels of gold, not only the troops in the interior will not have to worry about military pay, but also the troops on the border can be paid in full, which is a benefit.The poor people on the coast will have more money to make a living, and they will not be hungry, cold, and poor.Stealing, these are two benefits coastal generals and other officials will no longer lure and seduce Japanese pirates out of greed for guessing, which is three benefits.Two Dutch boats and a dozen sailboats sank in a short time during the siege of the Ming army.The two Dutch cruisers Hector and Maria were also having a hard time.The Ming army s fierce artillery fire gradually made them unable to withstand the heavy fire.Captains Polybook and Brusto saw that the situation was not good and immediately commanded Hector.The Tor and the Maria fled in the direction of Batavia.With this run, they ran right into the arms of the North Sea Fleet commanded by Gu San Mazi and Gan Hui.Gu San Mazi and Gan Hui were a little depressed, thinking that they were direct descendants of An Guo Gong, but they were placed on the edge of the battlefield with no chance of fighting.beat.Seeing Zheng Zhilong s soldiers and horses fighting happily there, I felt very upset.Suddenly, the lookout on the top of the mast shouted General, there are two big red haired ghost ships approaching us Gu San Mazi quickly picked up the telescope and looked, and sure enough, he saw black smoke and bullets all over his body.We want to talk to the general about the ceasefire.Here is Polines marfan syndrome erectile dysfunction a small message from our Lord Governor to the general After is it best to take viagra on an empty stomach saying that, he handed over the gift list.Go up.Zheng Zhilong took the gift list, looked at it, and laughed Oh It s so generous, one hundred thousand taels of silver, three thousand taels of gold, and a box of jewelry and jade.Zheng Zhilong laughed Oh, the Governor is so polite. Thomas took a look and it worked He also laughed and said, I hope this can clear up the misunderstanding between us But Zheng Zhilong changed the subject I accept the things, but to negotiate a peace, we must first meet our two conditions.If one of them is missing, then there is no need to discuss it General, please tell me Thomas said, First, you must release all the captured Ming people, including Li Denghui, Cenzui Bat, and You Cricket.Song Youliang took the letter and looked at it.His face turned pale at first, and then turned livid.The letter slipped from Song Youliang s trembling fingertips.Li Xin picked up the letter from the ground and read it.He couldn t help but turn pale with shock, and then became extremely angry The Folangji Yi people slaughtered my merchants and people Hong Chengchou, the governor of Yingtian on the side, was from Nan an, Fujian.He had been exposed to it since he was a child, and he also knew about Quanzhou, Fujian, and Many people in Zhangzhou are making a living and doing business overseas.Hong Chengchou said As far as I know, this is not the first time that the Folangji Yi people have killed our overseas merchants.In the 31st year of Wanli and the 12th year of Chongzhen, there were only two times where the Folangji Yi people in Luzon Kill our Chinese people Song Youliang suppressed his anger, looked at Hong Chengchou and said, Then what does the bachelor think we should do about this matter At this time, Hong Chengchou s identity was the bachelor of Wenhua Palace, the prince s Shaobao, and the governor of Yingtian.

It is one of the largest and most fortified cities in Kyushu.At this time, the governor of the Shimazu family was Mitsuhisa Shimazu, the second generation lord of the Satsuma Domain.Since Zheng Zhilong had been active in the Kyushu area for many years in his early years, and his senior Yan Siqi was familiar with the Shimadzu family, and Li Guosuke s father Li Dan also did business in Japan in his early years, through these connections, Shimazu Mitsuhisa warmly received Li Guosuke Shimazu Mitsuhisa.He personally served tea to Li Guosuke.A large blue and white porcelain tea bowl was turned around in Shimazu Mitsuhisa s hands three times before being handed to Li Guosuke.Li Guozhu took the tea bowl and turned it around three times before drinking Good tea Li Guozhu praised, When Li Jun referring to Li Dan was in our country, we were friends.This policy was extremely successful.Large sailing ships from China brought in a large number of Chinese immigrants.Once the Chinese obtained assets capable of supporting themselves, they settled in Bacheng and intermarried with Balinese women viagra pills side effects who were sent here to be slaves.The overseas Chinese population continues to grow, and most of the overseas Chinese in Bacheng are engaged in commercial activities, ranging from mobile hawkers to fixed vendors, to retailers and wholesalers, forming a complete business network.Batavia became more and more prosperous because of the hard working , peace loving and cowardly Chinese people.These pigs Anthony looked at the Chinese who were repairing the city wall and cursed with disdain, Report marfan syndrome erectile dysfunction to the Governor A Dutch soldier stood up straight and reported to Anthony According to reliable information, the Chinese fleet left Borneo the night before yesterday and is heading towards Malacca Anthony s face changed drastically Are you sure they are The direction is Malacca It can t be wrong.Establish a law to control the vassal states of our Ming dynasty.The prince in law said that in the future, there will be more and more vassal states in our Ming Dynasty, and we need a .

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special law or even a special yamen to manage these vassal states.This will avoid the occurrence of conflicts between vassal states and My Ming Dynasty is becoming increasingly estranged Oh Hongde said with a smile Thanks to this son in law, I, the emperor who rules from the top, can also accept the worship of envoys from all countries like Chengzu Zhang Huangyan smiled lexapro erectile dysfunction Said It is not only your majesty s blessing, but also my blessing to the Ming Dynasty The latest full version ,,,,,,,,,,, 260 The target is the ocean Song Youliang is not a legal expert, so he formulated the Defenses of the Ming Dynasty Chapter Song Youliang himself believed that it was not perfect and could only be left to future generations to supplement and improve.Any conflicts between vassal countries must be submitted to the Ming Empire for arbitration, and they are not allowed to fight at will.Paragraph 8 The heads of all vassal countries are not allowed to call themselves emperors or use reign names.The head of the country can at most be called a king, and must use the reign title of the Ming Emperor.In order to prevent future generations from resorting to militarism, Song Youliang also added some clauses to the Laws of the Ming Dynasty.For example, the reasons for declaring war are violation of the Ming Dynasty s territory and sea areas violation of the Ming Dynasty s vassal states violation of the Ming Dynasty s allies violation of the Ming Dynasty envoys Infringements that innocently deprive Ming people of life and property violate treaties signed with Ming support Ming s enemy countries in war incite riots, rebellions, etc.Song Shouli was in the backyard at this time.All the female relatives were crowded in Zhu Pingting oq é viagra s room, taking turns looking at Song Youliang s baby.Son Song Shouli.There is a cradle beside the bed, and two maids, Chunxiang and Xia He, are rocking it.The fleshy Song Shouli was lying on the bed, looking at everyone curiously with his big eyes open.Zhu Pingting was still a little weak shortly after giving birth, so she just rested on the bedside, but when she looked at her son, she had a satisfied smile on her face.Old man, look at this kid, does he look like Liang er with his facial features Song Xia looked at her grandson and said happily to Song Qianjin.Song Qianjin just looked at comprar viagra por internet bow and arrow male enhancement pills amazon his little grandson with loving eyes and smiled innocently.Song Qianjin was very satisfied with his current living situation.Zheng, will fly here even from the ends of the world I just like Brother Zheng s heroic spirit Song Youliang said The captives you presented this time make His Majesty very happy, so I have informed you in advance that Brother Zheng will be promoted this time.Zheng Zhilong was overjoyed, thank you Said It all depends on the help of the father in law Don t say that.If Brother Zheng has no real ability, then it will be useless no matter how much I help him Song Youliang asked with a smile I heard that Brother Zheng worked under the Dutch before.Bad This This question made Zheng Zhilong a little embarrassed.Song Youliang quickly vimax male enhancement pills in sri lanka marfan syndrome erectile dysfunction explained Brother Zheng, don t get me wrong.I don t ask this to settle old scores, but I have an important task to hand over to Brother Zheng.Looking at the Ming Dynasty, there are only Brother Zheng, you can take on this important responsibility Zheng Zhilong felt that these words sounded very pleasant to him, and asked with a smile What important responsibility When Brother Zheng was working under the Dutch, did you ever hear that the Dutch had a company called the East India Company A chamber of commerce Song Youliang asked.

So Yujing Zhengyue began to instill this idea into the students in his private military school.The god of Japan is Amaterasu, marfan syndrome erectile dysfunction and the emperor is the descendant of Amaterasu.Japan should belong to the emperor, not the shogun, let alone the unscrupulous Tokugawa shogunate.His rhetoric, It was well received by the ronin Polines marfan syndrome erectile dysfunction who were dissatisfied with the Tokugawa shogunate.Finally, after learning that the overthrown shogunate army and the shogunate army had faced off in Sekigahara and had won successive victories, marfan syndrome erectile dysfunction Imasa Yuki decided to launch an uprising in Edo.On April 13, Yui Zhengyue received a message from the viagra vs rhino Kinyiwei that the overthrown shogunate army was fighting hard in vimax male enhancement pills in sri lanka marfan syndrome erectile dysfunction Sekigahara, hoping that he could create chaos in Edo and shake the morale of the shogunate army.Therefore, Yui Masayuki raised his troops in advance and said that at this time, Tokugawa Iemitsu was enjoying Noh music in his shogun s residence.At the same time, he sent people to build the current Kyoto Castle, and then moved the capital to Kyoto.It was called Heian Kyo at that time, and the capital s system was completely modeled on the system of Chang an City in China.Emperor Kanmu also imitated the legal system of the Tang Dynasty in China to rectify Japanese politics, and at the same time established a new Buddhist sect to separate politics and religion.For more than a thousand years before the formation of the Kamakura shogunate, Kyoto could be said to be the political, economic and cultural center of Japan.In the era of Toyotomi Hideyoshi and Oda Nobunaga, although the imperial power was not extended, the generals of the two dynasties protected Kyoto s system.There are plus.The houses in the entire urban area of Kyoto are built on the slopes of the basin, and the streets rise and fall.News that the Ming army entered Edo in large numbers has reached the Shogun Mansion.The feeling of doomsday soon filled the hearts of every Japanese in the Shogun Mansion It s really a terrible thing.How did the Tang Dynasty invade Edo so quickly There was no warning at all in advance.Edo, this is the center of Japan.Does this mean that Japan is really facing the crisis of national subjugation vimax male enhancement pills in sri lanka marfan syndrome erectile dysfunction Tokugawa Iemitsu sat there expressionlessly, watching his retainers running around in panic.His mind was completely empty at the moment, he didn t want to think about anything, and he couldn t think of anything.His father gave the entire Edo to him, but he had to face a tragic and helpless failure.Has Amaterasu really abandoned Japan at this moment He shook his head reluctantly.What the retainers said to him, Tokugawa Iemitsu didn t hear clearly at all, and he didn t need to hear it clearly.A total of 20,000 taels of silver, and compensation of 2,000,000 taels to North Korea, to be paid in fifteen years 2.In addition to Hirado and Nagasaki, Moji, Shimonoseki, Meboguan, Urato, etc.were opened to the Ming Dynasty.Naruto, Nagafune, and Iwashiki are seven treaty ports.3.At the tainted male enhancement pills marfan syndrome erectile dysfunction above mentioned treaty ports, the Ming Dynasty had the right to establish concessions and station a certain number of troops to protect the safety of local expatriates.Within the concession, the laws of the Ming Dynasty were enforced, and outside the concession, the laws of Japan were enforced.4.Merchants of the Ming Dynasty could freely travel to the above mentioned treaty ports, settle down, and open shops, workshops, the concession.5.Expulsion of all Dutch people in Japan.6.Yamashiro Kingdom, which is under the direct jurisdiction of Tomoyuki, is 225,262 koku, Yamato Kingdom is 448,945 koku, and Kawachi Kingdom is 240,000 koku.The wooden boxes were placed next to the cannon on the deck., the gunner skillfully opened the wooden box with a crowbar, and a brass comprar viagra por internet bow and arrow male enhancement pills amazon colored conical cannonball appeared in front of Sakai Tadakatsu.Li Xin happened to come out of the cabin, saw Sakai Tadakatsu, and said with a straight face Master Sakai, I thought you weren t coming Look, our cannons are ready Li Xin pointed to the gunner on standby, General Li, please calm down Sakai Tadakatsu carefully accompanied the smiling face, My general is timid.Because of the sudden arrival of the army of the Kingdom of Great Britain, he was too frightened, so he fell ill in bed and fell into a coma.He didn t believe it.General, I cannot ask my general to review the terms of peace you have sent me.Therefore, I would like to ask for a few days of grace to negotiate peace.

Article Author: Healthy Living

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