Polines Semarang Lecturer Teaches Robotics at Planet Nufo

After just two days after the IPB University Team arrived at the Nurul Furqon Islamic Boarding School-Natural School, today it was the turn of the lecturer team from the Semarang State Polytechnic (Polines). The lecturers of Electronics Engineering, Informatics, and Telecommunications arrived just as the Dhuhur call to prayer was echoed by the NUFO Planet's muadzdzin.

They came because they wanted to do community service by providing a perspective on robotics to students at the unique Islamic boarding school founded and cared for by Ustadz Dr. Mohammad Nasih, M.Sc., who is passionate about reintegrating science and technology into Islam. Prof. Dr. Ir. Muji Astuti, MT who is also the Head of LPPM USM (Semarang State University) accompanied the Polines lecturers from Semarang. "I was asked by Ustadz Nasih to become Chair of the Board of Trustees at Planet NUFO. So I invited my friends, including from other universities, to practice, serve, and other programs to synergize with Planet NUFO," explained the woman who is also the administrator of Forhati Central Java.

The Polines team consists of senior and young lecturers, namely: Ilham Sayekti (Head of D3 T.Electronics Study Program), Sri Kusumastuti (Head of Electronics Engineering Technology Study Program), Vinda Setya Kartika (Laboratory Ship), Septiantar Tebe Nursaputro (Lecturer of Electronics Engineering Study Program ), Raditya Artha Rochmanto (Lecturer of Electronics Engineering Study Program), Eri Eli Lavindi (Lecturer of Informatics Engineering Study Program), and Roni Apriantoro (Lecturer of Telecommunications Engineering Study Program). There were also students who were involved in this activity, namely Irfan Sayekti.

Right after the midday prayer, the official reception ceremony was held with great fanfare. Dr, Mohammad Nasih expressed great hopes for Polines to realize Planet NUFO's ambition of reintegrating science and technology into Islam. “We must build a more prosperous future. Among its characteristics is the increasing number of 'productive unemployment'. What's that? Namely people who no longer need to work hard, but just work smart, because heavy, repetitive and dangerous work can be done by robots," said the Doctor of Political Science in his speech. (AH)

Source: Baladena.id

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